Branding solution for sloping roof space

Working out of town brings so many advantages – less traffic, bright open office spaces and fresh air.
However, renting a barn for commercial premises can bring branding problems.
There are sloping roof spaces, beams and quirky spaces. Not to mention the rental agreement itself meaning you must repair when exiting.
Guardian Angels, situated at Appledram Barns, wanted to brand their training room with lettering but also testimonials.
Faced with some wall space, broken up by windows and the sloping roof space, a mix of vinyl and FabriStick® was suggested.

And the result is truly inspiring for training attendees.
We printed client testimonials on FabriStick® in speech bubbles. And, key words were cut in vinyl.
From the pictures you will see that FabriStick® works in spaces where pictures cannot hang traditionally. It also accommodates curves, spaces that change direction (accomodating coving) and it won’t leave you needing to arm yourself with filler if you move it.
Branding your space is so important.
Using third party testimonials is also key as people trust businesses and products that have been reviewed.
Putting honest testimonials, with names of the author, on your walls for visitors to see is so powerful.
Make more use of your office space, think outside the box.
And guess what? We even have FabriStick® stuck on our office ceiling as part of our continued testing process!
Make use of testimonials, and make sure visitors to your office, training spaces and staff get to read them.