Branding a wallpaper wall - team effort

Branding a wall papered wall – team effort
We have produced many logos for our clients. And we are fortunate to have other sister companies to help too.
But, when it comes to branding your space if it is wall papered this can present quite a challenge.
Vinyl is not reusable.
Nor is it easy to apply yourself.
Plus, on wall paper it will likely produce bubbles under the surface. You kind of have one chance to put it up (or get someone to do it for you. That means more cost).
Some people think that having a clear background means the wall paper can show through. But in Karen’s expert opinion, clear vinyl looks terrible on wall paper backgrounds.
Karen explains, “Vinyl is a great medium for many things. However, it doesn’t cover imperfections on the wall behind. It is difficult to apply yourself. And it can be very unforgiving. It magnifies any imperfections.”
So, when we listened to our client over at Extra Special Touch, we advised the use of FabriStick® for her wall papered wall.
Challenge – Match the Magnolia Wall background!
Our client sent us a sample of the paint on paper used on her workshop walls.
Lissie spent time getting a variety of ‘magnolia’ type swatches printed off on FabriStick® and the whole office team gave opinions of the best match.
It is hard to ‘match’ colours because FabriStick® is material and it absorbs the ink. We get pretty close. But next to a wall it may always look different. FabriStick® absorbs the light and paint often reflects it, especially if it has a silk finish.
Make it different!Our client was then sent the samples on FabriStick® before choosing the best match.
BUT ...
We redesigned her logo into a circle, with a black border to ensure that the colours do not sit directly next to each other!
AND ...
FabriStick® is so forgiving, resilient and removable, that even when you have trouble putting it up it will un-stick from itself and you can have a second go. Or third. Or fourth. Or fifth ... however many you need to get it right.
Take the cost out of installing corporate branding. And, take the stress out of doing it yourself. FabriStick® is your friend!
Try it for yourself, request our free splat sample! It has hidden powers too – read more here.